If I see something interesting, I shoot from the driver's seat or jump out & set up the tripod for a quick click. It's the drive-by life of a photographer on the move. Welcome to my world.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

James K. Polk Ancestral Home in Columbia, Tennessee

James K. Polk ancestral home in Columbia, Tennessee DSC_0333_A

I was on the west side of Nashville Hwy in Columbia, Tennessee photographing a few of the churches, when I happened across the ancestral home of James K. Polk, our 11th President of the United States.

Below is the straight on view from 7th Street.

James K. Polk ancestral home in Columbia, Tennessee DSC_0328_A

I walked around the courtyard and took a few photos.

James K. Polk ancestral home in Columbia, Tennessee DSC_0318_A

This coming summer I'd like to take a tour of the inside.

You can find some history, tour information and gifts at the President James K. Polk Home & Museum website > www.jameskpolk.com. They even sell a James K. Polk bobblehead!

James K. Polk ancestral home in Columbia, Tennessee DSC_0319_A

You can watch a C-SPAN tour of the James K. Polk Ancestral Home - www.c-span.org/video/?303153-1/james-k-polk-ancestral-home

Here's an interesting view from the courtyard.

James K. Polk ancestral home in Columbia, Tennessee DSC_0322_A

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